Friday, November 23, 2007

Festivities and Milestones

Eli is learning to take a bottle. This picture is of his second attempt...he drank 3 whole ounces at a restaurant. The pumping/bottling method is certainly easier than the clandestine-feeding method when in public places.
Sleeeeeeeepy baby.
Eli flirted with the ladies on Thanksgiving. Pictured are fellow North Carolinian expats Megan, Christa, and Tiffany. We had a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner at their cabin/lodge in the mountains.
Winter has come to hasn't been above freezing since Tuesday afternoon, and it's snowed twice. We love it, though. Thank goodness we were able to get a new furnace.
Another patented Eli Face (TM).


Sunny B. Ridings said...

Your whole family looks really cute in winter wear. I better dig out a hat and some gloves!

Kelly said...

Served that boy up like a big ol' turkey, didntcha?

Gobble gobble!