We met up with a slew of Eli's buddies today at the fabulous pumpkin patch/festival/corn maze today. Eli and Julia were wowed by Inara's Elmo costume. Eli's finger is finding its way to his nose a lot lately - especially when the camera's out. Luckily it hasn't found its way to his mouth...yet. Amos. A Mouse. Da boys. Delicious. Poor Amos. Seven week olds get very little say. Eli was not loving the photo shoot either. Look out little mouse! He was trying to show me all his spidey legs. Found one. Love this one! Freedom from the hot spider outfit! His hair was all sweaty curly afterword. So cute. And now to the corn maze. It was an autumnally wonderful day - altough it was seventysome degrees. We Decker-Smiths love the fall. The boys had a blast and are now napping away. We came away with four fabulous pumpkins, and not the ones that were brought in to supplement the ones that grew right there in the patch. We hiked way out to find pumkins that spouted and bloomed right there on the ground where we stood. They're perfectly warty and green blotched with curly viney stems. Perfecto!
Could this pictures get any sweeter?!?!?! Loved them all!
Amos. A mouse.
So witty!
cute as pumpkin pie!
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