Well, our due date has officially come and nearly gone. Unless there is a flurry of activity in the next few hours, we will become officially overdue. Those who voted for September 27-30 in the poll (including myself) are about to experience their defeat. Alas.
We had a lovely due date. And we tried our best to convince the little guy that today was the day to come out. When I woke at nearly 10 this morning feeling well rested for the first time in weeks, I decided that we needed to have this baby today. So we went for a three mile walk and ate a spicy lunch, but he was not inspired. He still seems pretty content in there.
After lunch we ran a few errands and then returned home where we have spent the day in decadent relaxation. I have been watching season 1 of Grey's Anatomy on our portable dvd player in bed for the last four hours, and am about to return to that activity.
Sorry to those who have lost in the polls. Good luck to those still in the running (especially those in the Oct. 1 - 3 category). We'll keep you posted on any changes.
Posted by Jessa, not Eric.
Hang in there! He will come out in due time! I've been thinking about you guys a lot and checking the website often for updates. Good Luck!!! Love you guys!!!
Dear Nephew,
Not even born and already sniffing at five bucks and calling your Auntie Kel a "cheapskate?" Fine
A double-sawbuck is yours if hold out til the 7th (or longer*)!
(*Use your baby-telepathy to calm your mama when she reads this, mmkay?)
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