Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Votes are IN!

Man, filling in those bubbles felt so good! Tomorrow Eli and I are heading to the Obama field office to GOTV (get out the vote - not go t.v. (I was confused by that too at first)).
Dada's office is fun.Big boy and his plate o' raisins.
Eli fell asleep on the way home, so I took the opportunity to have a snuggle fest in our bed with him. We slept about an hour, then he woke very confused...Nothing a good critter snuggle won't solve. He was inconsolable until we offered Lion and Bunny to soothe him. What a sweetie pants.

1 comment:

Mama V said...

Excellent! You're making history, folks! :)

And Colorado needs you!

Si, se puede!

(Okay, I'm REALLY excited here.)