Today we're enjoying our first Denver snow. Yesterday it was sunny and nearly 80. Today we're supposed to get two to four inches of snow. It's really pretty.
Eli slept better last night. Of course we're thrilled, because he seems to be feeling better in his tummy, but I'm only slightly bummed that it seems to corelate with an experimental nixing of dairy from my diet. I'm going to miss cheese, if that really is what has been causing his discomfort. But if it keeps him from making the terrible "I hurt" face, it's totally worth it.
So, here's some of the most recent photos:
In other news, Wednesday he had his two week check up and did marvelously. He weighed 8 lbs. 14.5 oz. (50th percentile), was 21 3/4 inches long (90th percentile), and was in the 50% percentile for head circumference. He had to have his first vaccination which was horrible. But he was a trooper. Yay for our healthy little guy!
Today we carve our pumpkins. Happy fall everyone!
Posted by the Mama.
The many hats of Eli. The Rasta is my favorite by far.
What cuteness! Love Love Love the jail outfit picture! He's so precious! Yay for Monday morning pictures!
Hey, 3rd grandchild's a charm in the knitted hat department!
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